Power Soccer Shop is proud to announce the introduction of the newest Ball in the "Aero Force" series - The 2008 Special Edition Stars & Stripes Ball! This ball commemorates the U.S. National Team's World Cup victory and provides the same superior roll and bounce as part of the Aero Force Series.

Aero Force 13" Stars & Stripes Ball (Special Edition)

Power Soccer Shop is proud to announce the introduction of the newest Ball in the "Aero Force" series - The 2008 Special Edition Stars & Stripes Ball! This ball commemorates the U.S. National Team's World Cup victory and provides the same superior roll and bounce as part of the Aero Force Series. This ball gives power soccer athletes the performance they demand for critical matches. The 13 inch ball was specially designed for the international version of Power Soccer (Power Wheelchair Football) that was played at the World Cup in October, 2007. This new fast-moving ball is designed to be kicked and passed providing for more dynamic game play. Its smooth finish prevents it from catching onto a wheelchair or its guard making it safer to play with. However, it is highly recommended that a player attach any and all necessary protective guard pieces to their chair for safe play (especially considering the gap on the sides of their chair between the rear and front tires).
DISCLAIMER: Any and all equipment purchased from PowerSoccerShop.com and used for activities, such as Power Soccer, is done so at the person's own risk. Navarro Enterprises, LLC and Power Soccer Shop are not responsible for any injury, damage, or death resulting from the use of this ball or any other equipment we sell.

Other Details:
Hand-sewn Match ball with High Glossy finish. Laminated with balanced multi-layer P.C., water-resistant. White with Royal Blue & Red artwork and Aero Force logos. Fitted with a special heavy weight latex bladder with butyl valve for maximum air retention.

Price: $69.99
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Manufactured by Aero Force

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  Aero Force 13" Stars & Stripes Ball (Special Edition) - Power Soccer Shop is proud to announce the introduction of the newest Ball in the "Aero Force" series - The 2008 Special Edition Stars & Stripes Ball! This ball commemorates the U.S. National Team's World Cup victory and provides the same superior roll and bounce as part of the Aero Force Series.
  Aero Force 13" Tournament Ball - Temporarily Out of Stock - New Shipments Coming Soon!
Power Soccer Shop is proud to continue offering the "Aero Force" series balls by PS-Force! The Aero Force power soccer balls provide superior roll and bounce with a dynamic design! Specially built for use in tournaments and critical matches!


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